Helgeland Ferdigbetong supplies ready-mixed concrete for most types of buildings in Rana and the surrounding area – both to private individuals and companies. We produce structural concrete, concrete for floors and walls, shotcrete, self-compacting concrete, colored concrete, heated concrete, concrete with fiber, underwater concrete and more.
From our factory in Mo i Rana, we have produced ready-mixed concrete approved in all quality classes since 1965. We deliver to all types of buildings, both large and small. Our concrete trucks transport the ready-mixed concrete to you. With chute, pump or conveyor belt, we can deliver ready-mixed concrete up to 30 meters above ground and below sea level. We produce approximately 12,000 m3 of ready-mixed concrete per year.
Contact us for a non-committal talk about your next project.
From a small concrete factory based in Sjåneset, we have grown into one of the largest concrete-element producers in Northern Norway, while also being the largest ready-mixed concrete producer in the region, and the largest producer of concrete floating jetties in Norway. Over the last 60 years, we have contributed to the development and growth of our region.
Our history stretches back all the way to 1952, when the shopkeeper Johan Smith-Nilsen founded Helgeland Betongvarefabrikk (Helgeland Concrete goods factory). In the beginning, Helgeland Ferdigbetong was a section of Helgeland Betong called “blanderiet” (the “mixery”). Blanderiet became a separate company in 1965 when both Ferdigbetongen and Helgeland Betong moved into new premises at Ytteren in Mo i Rana. In the local community, ready-mixed concrete is almost synonymous with our factory. To this day, we are the region’s largest supplier of ready-mixed concrete.
Today we consist of the holding company Helgeland Holding with the three concrete sister companies Helgeland Betong, Helgeland Ferdigbetong and Helgeland Marinasystemer.
Click on the tabs at the top of the page to read more about our sister companies.
Helgeland Betongvarefabrikk 1952: Helge Johansen controls the lift while Einar Almås oversees the procedure. This picture is sourced from the book “En Helstøpt historie” (A concrete forged story), written by Ivar Hartviksen.